Mechanical ServicesAt Murray Gibson Services Limited we don't JUST do electrical work, we have engineers with a mechanical background too and therefore offer design and installation of
We also specialise in the installation, modification, repair and heavy duty upgrades for auger and conveyor systems, including working with their flow control and current (load) monitoring systems. Pumping SystemsWe Install, design and build positive displacement pumping systems for
Water Treatment
Auger SystemsWe supply and install, maintain and repair auger systems for farms, drying plants, food production and mixing systems. Mill ServicesWe supply, install, repair and upgrade crushing plant for grains. i.e. Oats, Wheat, Barley, O.S.R. as well as seed dressing plant repairs, maintenance and upgrades. Farm and factory installations and repairs. Grain dryers, stores, silos, bins and conveyer systems. We offer specialised Water Wheel repair, service, maintenance and Modifications including
and installation of and repairs to cutters and associated equipment. * as recognised by the soil association for organic farming. Stone Sawing PlantsWe design and build systems from initial planning to completion for stone sawing plants and the control thereof.
We supply power packs and table track systems, both new and reconditioned. |
Call us on 01228 595277 to discuss your requirements and services. Regd in England No. 4794290 . Regd Office as above . VAT No. 621 2161 92 |
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